
Self-Duplicating Solutions

Badge and log book all in one

The all-in-one Visitor Badge Sign-In Book is a self-duplicating system that creates a temporary visitor badge and a permanent visitor log in one simple step.

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When visitors sign in, they fill out their I.D. badge as a self-adhesive label.
Visitor signs in

This action automatically transfers their information onto a duplicate record sheet underneath.
Automatic duplicate record

The label liner is opaque, preventing subsequent visitors from seeing who signed in before them. They can’t lift the liner to peek behind because the outer edge is sealed. No other manual sign-in system in the world offers this kind of confidentiality, even when signing out!
Sealed label liner

For added security, choose Sign-In Books with expiring badges that change color overnight to prevent reuse and to avoid the need to retrieve them.
Valid today...Void tomorrow

Because custom-printing is our specialty, it’s easy to add your logo to promote your identity, or to change the wording of the badge to match your procedures. Your order still ships in less than two days!