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We have redesigned our website,, in two important ways to make it easier for you to find the products you need. First, our home page is more streamlined with two major product categories to choose from. Second, we have improved our website's search functionality, with three options to help you find what you are looking for more quickly.

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Vaccine Card Protectors are the way to keep vaccine cards safe

More and more citizens of the United States are getting their the COVID-19 vaccines. This is great news after over a full year of dealing with the pandemic and all its consequences, both inconvenient and tragic. The rather flimsy documentation card you are given after your vaccine(s) should be kept safe. But what is the best way to protect this incredibly important four-by-three-inch card?

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New eVisitor Software Package

THRESHOLD has a new color photo package for eVisitor Software, featuring the Epson Model # C3500 printer. Don't forget that our visitor badges with EXPIRING technology provide a great visual alert for security and are compatible with many different inkjet printers.

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