

Remember to plan security for offsite business events

by Paul Kazlauskas

business event security is the forgotten logistic

Meetings are a fact of life in the business world. When hosting an off-site meeting for a large group of people, there are many details to consider and keep track of. An event management organizer must figure out many logistics such as:

However, companies hosting large-scale conferences or events must also keep the safety of attendees top of mind. Security is often the forgotten logistic. Effective event management requires a range of integrated services from risk analysis and well trained staff to experienced leadership. Here are some tips to ensure your business event is secure and safe for all attendees:

Identify any potential security weaknesses at the venue
Business event planners must identify all security vulnerabilities at their venues, and take proper steps to mitigate potential threats.

Prepare a plan in case of an incident or emergency
A disorganized evacuation could lead to preventable injuries, property damage, and potential lawsuits if your lack of security planning is a contributor to any unfortunate incident. To protect attendees in the case of an emergency, organizers should prepare emergency plans and take the following safety precautions:

Train the event staff for many varied security situations
Whether you train individuals or hire private security, event planners must ensure they have enough qualified security personnel to supervise their events. Security staff must understand all emergency response procedures and complete training, which should include:

Event organizers should use the above checklist of security ideas as a starting place before hosting any off-site event. Every event is different and every venue has it’s own unique security issues to consider, so additional work should be done for any potential hazards not covered above.

What additional precautions should event organizers take to ensure the safety of business events? Join the discussion by adding your comments below.

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Posted on 8/28/2017