

Do visitors enjoy their stay at your facility?

by Paul Kazlauskas

visitor badges, visitors in the lobby, visitor management

Facilities of all types should spend time developing a security policy for visitors. Whether you are a school, hospital, or business, it is important to think about what to do once a visitor of any type comes to your facility. Visitors can range from contractors to vendors to parents to volunteers, but regardless of the type of visitor, each facility should develop a plan for how to deal with them coming to the building.

A visitor management system (VMS) with visitor badges should be used so your employees can see an unfamiliar individual has been processed at the front desk and belongs in the facility. That visitor management system also helps the security department know how long the individual was in the facility, when they left, and who they came to visit. A lot of effort and planning goes into a security plan for what to do with individuals when they arrive on-site, but what about from the visitor’s point of view? Are their needs being addressed? Is there a way to improve communication so they are comfortable with what is expected of them and where they should go when they arrive?

Here are some ways to improve the experience of visitors when they come to visit your facility and reduce their anxiety or questions about what to do once they arrive:

Communicate with visitors before their planned visit. Some ideas include:

Once at the facility, provide signage explaining where to go.

Create an inviting lobby.

Don’t be late for your appointment with the visitor.

Follow up after the visit

How else can facilities of all types improve the experience of visitors? Please join the conversation and add your thoughts in the “Comments” section below.

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Posted on 1/17/2018