

CPTED Office Building Security Checklist

by Paul Kazlauskas

office building security, CPTED

Office building security is serious business. Security Directors need to have their finger on the pulse of many aspects of building security, including its physical security, managing security personnel, maintaining quality access control, and dealing with security equipment.

One popular security concept that Security Directors across the country have implemented is Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). These are a set of building design principals used to discourage crime. The basic concept is buildings should be built and configured to deter crime. There are four main elements to CPTED:

Below is an office building security checklist for Security Directors to consider when implementing the principals behind CPTED.

Natural Surveillance Checklist:

Territorial Reinforcement Checklist:

Natural Access Control Checklist:

Maintenance Checklist:

To help with Territorial Reinforcement, using a visitor management system is recommended. eVisitor Software is a stand-along visitor management systems that can affordably increase your facility security and help you always know who is in your building. eVisitor makes it easy for facilities to log, identify, track, and run reports on visitors. Watch this video to learn more, then request a free demo today!

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Posted on 1/17/2024