

4 criteria for tracking early dismissals effectively

by Paul Kazlauskas

4 criteria for tracking early dismissals effectively

One of the security goals that all schools should have is to keep track of students who sign out early. Sometimes students need to sign out early because they are feeling ill or they just have an off-site meeting, like a routine medical appointment, during school hours. It is important for schools to document those instances, as this is a liability concern.

Here are four criteria for tracking early dismissals effectively, with reasons why Confidential Student Sign-Out Books serve this need better than most:

1. Confidentiality: Help students and/or their parents keep their business private.
Students or parents write names on a “blockout” pattern" (“the black boxes”), making names unreadable to ensure privacy. People who sign in after can’t see who signed in before them.
2. Authenticity: Tools that are custom-designed with your school’s information discourage forgery.
Your school name, logo, and/or mascot make the form your own. Adding your imprint promotes your facility identity.
3. Record-keeping: Always have a log for future reference.
The yellow duplicate copy sheet keeps a readable record, so you’ll know now, and months later, when a student left school and why. The yellow bottom sheet stays covered by the white original sheet because their right edges are sealed together to protect privacy. The duplicate log can be accessed by removing the original sheet once the top page is completed.
4. Portability: Know which students have left school, even during emergencies.
Confidential Student Sign-Out sheets are wirebound into a handy book. In case of an emergency evacuation, you’ll know who had already signed out and is not in the school anymore.

There are 2 main types of Confidential Student Sign-Out sheets. The "Parent/Guardian" forms are for adults to sign children out and can be used for any grade school or high school setting. Some high schools have a policy to allow older students to sign themselves out and that is what the "Student" forms are for.

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Posted on 1/20/2016