
About Visitor Management

Why the people in our buildings should wear identification. 

Do you know everybody at work?

If you do, you can tell the employees from the visitors.
If you don’t, a stranger you encounter could be anybody.

Who you think the stranger is depends on two basic things:
(1) what your organization’s badge policy is, and
(2) whether or not the stranger is actually wearing a badge.

If he isn't wearing a badge, you may wonder who he is 
and what he is doing there.

The less an organization relies on identifying its building’s
the more mystery there is about their identity.
At best, not identifying visitors arouses employees’ curiosity
and, at worst, leaves people and property exposed to
potential harm.

A good visitor management system, in conjunction with the
policies it supports, should be able to tell you who has
to be in your facility, as well as who does not.

He’s not wearing identification. Should I be worried?

Contact us now to request any or all of the following:

FREE samples of our high-security visitor badge solutions

A FREE copy
of our “Guide to Choosing a Visitor Management System (Things to Consider before You Buy)”

Free product advice from our friendly and knowledgeable visitor management consultants. Just fill out the form below and we'll get back to you soon.

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